Demostración de la técnica quirúrgica básica de LODI
Cirugía y prótesis de sobredentadura mandibular básica LODI, por el Dr. Andrew Ingel
Demostración de la técnica de cirugía guiada mandibular LODI
Implantes mandibulares LODI colocados con la ayuda de una Anatomage Guide
Demostración de la técnica: Pick-up de 4 tapas sobre LODI LOCATOR usando Chairside
Testimonio Dr. Anthony Prudenti sobre Zest LODI
- Use of Overdenture Implants in the Management of a Failed Long-term Transosteal Implant Prosthesis – Dr. Prudenti
- Stabilizing a Maxillary Denture with Narrow-Diameter Overdenture Implants – by Dr. Scherer, DMD, MS, FACP
- The use of narrow-diameter dental implants to support mandibular overdenture: A prospective clinical study
- Guidelines for impant overdenture treatment with standard or narrow diameter implants: A clinical rationale
- An affordable overdenture option for an edentulous ridge
- Do we need a radiographic guide? A review of the cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) visualization
- Restoring the edentulous patient with narrow diameter implants
- Flap vs. Flapless: a practical guide
- Stabilizing Loose Dentures With Narrow Diameter Implants
- Economic Strategies to create a Profit Center with the Edentulous Patient
- How to Optimize an Existing Removable Partial Denture – Using Narrow-Diameter Implants to Increase Support and Retention
- Flapped or Flapless Surgery for Narrow-Diameter Implant Placement for Overdentures
- Narrow-diameter Implants with Locator Attachments for Overdentures
- Narrow-Diameter Implants: A Minimally Invasive Solutions for Overdenture Treatment