Caso 1 – reemplazo de incisivos temporales en maxilar inferior
A 24 years old patient, presented with partial anodotia of teeth 41 and 31.
The deciduous teeth in the area presented with mobility class 2, crowded and discolored.
The treatment plan consisted of extractions, immediate placement of one Adin CloseFitTM UNP 2.75 implant and immediate loading.
The immediate loading was performed on the same day and the patient was followed-up for 3 months. The x-ray and the clinical examination showed good implant stability and no bone loss, and he was referred for final restoration.
Caso 2 – rehabilitación de agenesia del incisivo lateral superior
A 22 years old patient presented with partial anodontia of the upper right lateral incisor.
The deciduous tooth presented with mobility class 3.
The treatment plan consisted of extraction and immediate insertion of Adin CloseFitTM UNP 2.75 implant with a Maryland bridge for temporary rehabilitation. In this case, the deciduous tooth was used for the temporary bridge.
Six months post-op impressions were taken for a ceramic crown cemented on a zirconia abutment.
Patient was satisfied and a one year follow-up x-ray and clinical examination revealed implant stability and good bone conservation around the implant.
Caso 3 – rehabilitación maxilar superior con dentadura removible sobre 4 implantes
A 51 years old patient presented with an edentulous upper jaw, wearing a full denture for almost 15 years, and a marked atrophy of the maxilla especially in buco-palatinal direction.
The treatment plan consisted of insertion of 4 Adin CloseFit™ UNP 2.75 implants in conjunction with bone augmentation and PRF.
The patient was rehabilitated 8 months after the surgery with a removable denture supported by implants.
A 55 year old patient requiring full maxillary rehabilitation.
CBCT revealed ridge deficiency with a crestal width of 3-4.5mm.
Treatment plan consisted of anterior Ridge expansion using expenders and placement of six Adin Touareg CloseFit™ NP 3.0mm narrow diameter implants combined with posterior bi-lateral sinus augmentation with simultaneous implant placement.
Immediate loading was carried out on the anterior implants providing the patient with a fixed temporary bridge.
6 months post operation impressions were taken for a fixed PFM restoration.
Patient was satisfied and a 2 year follow up revealed implant stability and bone conservation around the implants.
Caso 2 – rehabilitación unitaria de molar inferior
A 32 year old patient presented with a missing first molar.
Treatment plan consisted in placing two Adin Touareg CloseFit™ NP 3.0mm narrow diameter implants for replacing the molar.
Mesio distal space between the teeth was 11mm.
Implants were uncovered after 3 months and a fixed PFM crown was fabricated.
Patient was monitored for 3 years with satisfactory result.
Caso 3 – rehabilitación total superior con pilares TMA ™ fija sobre 5 implantes
A 73 year old female patient wearing a full denture for the past 30 years, presented with a request to get a more stable prosthetic solution.
Patient refused to undergo sinus augmentation procedures.
Treatment plan consisted of placing five Adin Touareg CloseFit™ NP 3.0mm narrow diameter implants in the anterior zone combined with sub nasal floor elevation.
6 months post op implants were uncovered.
Trans Mucosal Abutments were placed and an impression for a CAD/CAM titanium based screw retained bridge was taken.
Patient was highly satisfied with the prosthetics and had been followed up for 3 years.
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